Hello all!
Mom and I would like to welcome you to the official Karin's Road to Recovery blog!
This is the first of many posts as we travel to Essen, Germany and back. There are only three days left before we leave and we have very little packed thus far - lol!
If you would like to sign up for our email list and receive updates as we go then head over to the bottom of the Home page on this site and sign up. I will also be posting these blog updates on the Karin's Road to Recovery Facebook page. If you haven't already Liked our page here is a link to it: https://www.facebook.com/KarinJanzenSpinalSurgery/. I will post shorter updates and more photos of our trip on that page.
Here is our trip schedule:
-19th of June we leave Winnipeg
- Winnipeg to Toronto
-Toronto to Zurich, Switzerland,
-Zurich, Switzerland to Munich, Germany,
-Munich, Germany to Dusseldorf, Germany.
-Once we land in Dusseldorf we will take a 1hr taxi ride to Recklinghausen, Germany where we will remain for 10 days in the hospital.
-Next, we move just 20 minutes away to Gelsenkirchen, Germany till July 9th.
-Then we'll head home!
As always, please continue to uplift us in your prayers. We seek not only a more mobile life for Mom but to be clear witnesses of Christ as we travel so far from home. May the Lord's will be done through us!
That's all for now!