We are so excited to be heading home in about 6 hours!! We will be picked up at the hotel at 4 am with one of our Canadian friends from rehab, Brad, and will be dropped off at the Dusseldorf airport. The three of us will then fly to London, where we will part ways. Then Mom and I will head to Toronto and finally to Winnipeg, yippee!!!
Here are a few snapshots of the last few days:

Mom was able to walk to her last appointment of the day on Wednesday without assistance! She is now able to walk without assistance as long as the pain is under control and the morphine isn't making her dizzy. Unfortunately as of yet those two things aren't absent at the same time very often. The good news is they both will dissipate in time and she will be good to go!

Thursday and Wednesday we began our goodbyes to the staff at Medicos. As you all know I really don't like goodbyes of this nature due to almost always ending up in tears! I'm just a rather emotional girl lol! We did pretty good with no tears till we left the occupational therapist, Sarah, for the last time. Totally welled up with tears! She's in the bottom right hand photo with Mom and is just the sweetest girl!

Friday we saw Dr. Vieregger for the last time. He surprised us by popping on that Swiss skiing hat at the last minute when we asked for a photo with him! This photo so encapsulates his character; a humorous mix of jokes and laughter along with his white lab coat and caring wisdom as doctor! He is a super doctor and does a great job of listening to his patients. Dr. Vieregger observes and really understand where they are at physically. It defiantly leaves you feeling like he's hearing you like an individual and not just another appointment on a long list.

Later that afternoon a couple of us from Medicos headed out for lunch at our favorite place, the Eiscafe Pizzeria Adria! It's a wonderful little cafe owned by such a sweet family. They serve such amazing ice cream that they make fresh daily!! There is also a host of other wonderful Italian dishes for lunch or dinner. I wish I could pack up the whole store and bring it home to Winnipeg for you all!

Just one last Milch Kaffee as we pack up and kill time before we leave!
Well it looks like I'm going to have to cut this blog short because it's getting late and I need to finish packing! I'd like to finish off by saying......It's been a crazy journey and God has used so much to do so much! I wish I had the time to blog about every lesson, blessing, tear and smile every trial that He brought us through and every door he opened. God's hand has been so apart of this, I would never give up the trials, tears, and fearful moments to loose the place He has brought me through this trip spiritually. It is has left both of us changed forever and we are so grateful to our Heavenly Father who; "works all things together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."I will blog again as soon as I can but will try to remember to send out a quick notification when we get back to Winnipeg!!Goodnight and God bless from two very excited ladies!!