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We Arrived in Germany!

Hello from Germany!

Mom and I arrived yesterday morning at Elisabeth Krankenhaus in Recklinghausen, Germany! It was a long, bumpy ride for Mom but there was much blessed fellowship, food and fun that made for many great memories.

Mom and I feel so blanketed in prayer and we thank you all! The Lord cared greatly for us and as He brought some very kind and helpful individuals across our path thus far. They have been a blessing on our weary trek across the ocean.

This morning we met with one of the ONZ doctors for a pre op meeting. The doctor gave the ok for the surgery to proceed as planned for tomorrow morning between 10-10:30. The surgery will last for 1.5 hours. Please continue to uplift us tomorrow, (the two of us here and the other three back in Winnipeg). We covet your prayers as we begin this part of Karin's Road to Recovery.

Please pray for us as we navigate the language barer which is bigger then I anticipated! One of the nurses sent me on an errand after we arrived with a paper for the front desk about Mom. She also sent me there because I needed the info for the WiFi for our room.

I landed up getting lost, almost rode a restricted elevator and wandering the halls of the hospital! I wandered myself into a break room were almost no one understood English. After speaking slowly and repeating things a couple times a nurse, (who spoke a little English), took pity on me and figured out were I needed to be. I thought my troubles were over....then I remember I didn't know how to get back to were I had begun!!! All I knew was I need to get to the third floor....the third floor is bigger then I realized....(hahaha....laughs sarcastically). With much prayer and some detective work I found Mom again!! In the end the front desk got there paper and me my WiFi, so it's all good!

Well that wraps up this blog post. It is 9:30 pm here so we are off to catch some winks before tomorrows big event.

Mom is calm and collected and ready to put the actually surgery aspect of this trip behind her. Praise the Lord for providing the peace that surpasses all understanding :)

I will give another few short update before and after surgery on our Facebook page: I have WiFi (its a tricky business here at the hospital). I'll post again here on the blog as soon as I can after surgery.

Thanks you again, God bless,


p.s. if you find spelling mistakes or odd sentences\punctuation my apologies in advance! Feel free to blame it on Dyslexia and jet lag (I know I do) lol!

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