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Day 2 Post Surgery

Hello! Wow! I can't believe it's only been two days since the surgery; it feels more like a week since Mom was wheeled back into our room in so much pain. So grateful too God for all the blessings He has lavished on us since then! Answers to prayer, new friends, kind nurses, exc. Today Mom has been up and down with pain and has been able to take a couple naps when it got really bad. She is currently napping as I'm typing in this oddly blissful silence of our ward. It seems most of the patients in our ward were over lapped with us and have headed home already. So now what was a bustling ward full of nurses, physiotherapists, visitors and doctors, looks to be down to four patients, there support partners and one nurse! It's like a ghost town; but ideal for napping Today Mom's physiotherapist took her walking all the way to the end of the hall in our ward, did some exercises sitting in a chair and then we all headed back to our room where she finished up with one last exercise while Mom was seated on her bed. So yahoo for no stairs!!!

This afternoon I took Mom on a bit of a tour of the hospital in a wheelchair. They have so many lovely flowers in the central garden and Mom had spotted some of her favorites (blue hydrangeas) while on her way to an x-ray yesterday. She was in so much pain during her transfer that the beautiful bush, which was right at eye level while being wheeled in her bed, was a little blessing that cheered her in her spinning world

Another wonderful answer to prayer was the couple who arrived the same day we did; Kathy and Stanley. Stanley is here to receive a disc replacement only, which is in the exact spot Mom had her implant. Mom actually has been praying for a couple just like them long before we even got here. She had wanted me to have someone I could go out and about to the store with and to top it off she had prayed for a Christian woman and both our new friends are PTL!!

So Kathy and I have had a great time getting to know each other and have already made two shopping excursions to "LiDL" a small grocery store about a 15 minute walk from the hospital. Along the way I have been able to see more of what a town in Germany looks like. There are some lovely old churches, colorful town houses and many different shops and restaurants all mixed together on one street. So today has been quieter and more restful which is good. They don't run physiotherapy on Sundays so Mom can really take tomorrow to rest up for Monday's work. As always thank you again for the prayers; God has been so faithfully gracious in answering them! Have a blessed rest of your weekend; I'll be in touch again on Monday!

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