Good Evening from Gelsenkirchen, Germany. Yesterday morning we arrived at Medicos.AufSchalke Rehab. Medicos is one of the largest rehab centers in Europe and has even worked with Olympic athletes! It's like it's own rehab world once you step through the doors, an overwhelming experience for a newcomer! The rehab employs: physiotherapists, occupational and massage therapists, nurses, exc. The centre is connected on the second floor to our hotel (The Courtyard Marriott) which is such bliss after staying at the hospital for so long!
So after the ride there and the grand tour, Mom was exhausted but still had a whole schedule of appointments to attend. Her second appointment was with the head doctor of Medicos, Dr. Vieregge, he agreed Mom needed to cancel the rest of her appointments so we just came back for the scheduled massage after we went to the hotel.
One update you all haven't had is that the night of my last post Mom's pain went through the roof. She was in so much pain she was shaking uncontrollably Today the doctor confirmed that all the "progress" the hospital therapist, (a non ONZ employee) had made with her was actually detrimental to her recovery. Dr. Vieregge explained that at the Medicos they start their patients at phase 1 and the hospital's therapist had moved Mom into phase 3 with in 6 days of surgery....not good! So though those progress photos look encouraging, that "progress" has now set Mom back approximately a week ....both the doctor and staff aren't pleased by this and her rehab will be altered to accommodate her current condition.
Though it's a full and hectic schedule, The Medicos seems to be filled with staff who can really make a difference and are looking out for each patient as a person! They aren't just filling a quota. I think once we get used to finding our way around and figure out the flow of things here, we will enjoy it even more
Mom's two top prayer requests would be: 1) That her pain would be even more under control now that Medicos has scheduled her medication properly. 2) That she would have an extra measure of grace to glorify God in this time.
That's all for now and due busy schedule that will be all till Saturday, which is only a half day at the rehab.
Till then!
p.s. here is a video all about Medicos if your interested (sorry it's all in German!).