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First Few Days at Medicos Part 1

The Bistro for Lunch

Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians! Sorry for the delay; I had wanted this out yesterday!

The first few days at Medicos were overwhelming, but we've now settled into the rhythm of life at the rehab center.

Our day begins with breakfast here at the hotel in their restaurant, The Green Olive. Then we head to head over to Medicos and follow the schedule they have custom-designed for Mom. Here' a photo of the schedule for this upcoming Monday-Wednesday:

Lunch is then served at the buffet in The Bistro in the Medicos. Afterwards, we continue on with appointments until dinner which is served back at The Green Olive.

Dinner at The Green Olive :D Our very first real German Huhner Schnitzel!

So, our days are pretty busy and physically taxing for Mom. Due to the physio set backs early on she needs to go about the rehab center in a wheelchair because the building is quite large and the appointments are often far apart. Yesterday they moved Mom to a walker for walking a maximum of 15 minutes and a set of walking canes for short distances like bed to the door of our room. Anything past 15 minutes and she needs to be back in the wheelchair.

I have nicked named this corner of the hotel room The Garage!

We have been so blessed with even more English-speaking friends. God has been so good to us! We now have a little posse of 9 people including Kathy and Stanley, and have found even more believers here! It's been great for Mom to go through this process and talk over the past with others who have lived with similar issues. It's fun to touch base throughout the day and see how everyone is progressing, swap funny stories, and talk about things of the faith and blessings in our lives. It made for a blessed Lord's day so far away from home! I've so come to appreciate the group's support as one of the younger support partners here. We all try to check-in and keep up with those who are having a rough day or who are waiting to hear news from the doctor. It's such a blessing that I never guessed I'd have! God is so good; not only to know what we need before we ask, but to give us what we can't even fathom to ask for :) We are blessed!

I had so many photos and things to update I am going to do a part two to this blog so that it doesn't get to long :)

Have a blessed Lord's day!

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