Good Evening All,
It has been far too long since I last posted, my apologies! The last update was August 9th and things were looking fairly promising. Since then things have become difficult in various different ways and Mom needs our support as she painfully works through each day.
Currently, her back is doing much better and is feeling secure, praise the Lord! We are so blessed the surgery was a success in that regard and that the implant seems to be taking well. The part that has been most difficult has been the nerve pain. Mom and I have been in contact with the other patients that we met on our trip and they too are struggling with pain. Some are experiencing worse pain then when they left for the surgery. It seems to all be a part of the body slowly getting used to a new normal position.
Unfortunately this nerve pain from the scoliosis correction and implant has become extreme and often sends her to the couch or her bed. Heat is helpful but isn’t a permanent solution. Mom’s doctor has been working on helping her make the switch from Morphine to Lyrica. Morphine isn’t meant for this type of pain and doesn’t cover it properly. Lyrica should be a better fit once we get her up to the right level.
That said, this would be one of our biggest prayer requests right now. The Morphine to Lyrica switch has taken a large toll on her. Being on the medication and making the transition messes with emotions and has all sorts of difficult and unpleasant side effects. It has been an emotional and difficult rollercoaster for Mom as she hoped to be back to a more normal pace of life by now. She has such a sensitive heart and it weighs heavily on her that she might be disappointing her friends and family.
Mom has been such a blessing through her great pain as she still strives to honor God and do what she can from here at home. She has been such a help: counselling, encouraging and praying for others via text and email! Despite her pain she still loves to have company over while she rests or having chats on the phone while taking a break from helping Luke with his last year of school J So encouraging to see that even though one has a “thorn in the flesh” like Paul, one can still be such a blessing while being used by our sovereign Father!
Another request would be for the information and heath files we’re trying to receive from Germany via one of the Canadian contacts. Our contact is shocked to hear about how things have gone and the lack of help or even assistance we have gotten from Germany since we have been back in Canada. He will be calling there Monday; please pray he has success in sorting out reports and getting some answers we need for the doctor, physiotherapist and osteopath here.

Many of you know Mom made her first trip to Selkirk for church this Sunday though she almost had to stay home due to the pain (mornings are always a struggle for her). Most likely making the long drive to Selkirk won’t be a regular thing for her at this point but the fact that she was able to venture there was such a blessing to be a part of!!
We would all appreciate extra prayers for her as she faces the close of another year in pain. It will take time for things to heal and her body to adjust to its new position. While we wait for that adjustment the strain of being in that kind of pain day in and day out is wearing. I don’t think any of us realized the extent of the pain after surgery or how slow rehab would be for Mom because of the complications she experienced. With that in mind we look to the only answer for all problems, our Heavenly Father and echo the words of the beautiful song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAmh3yvmzXs, “Thy Will Be Done”. May we all continue to look expectantly towards Him and may we be blessed to see His hand move and the sovereign will of our Abba comes to pass!
Have a blessed weekend.